by Nayt on Wed Jan 14, 2009 12:09 am
Mimik heard a voice. It wasn't a pleasant voice. In fact, it wasn't a remotely pleasant voice at all! An all too familiar one, that voice! She had a habit of looking for the positive, and was easily amused--very easily amused, but there was a bit of a problem that the young girl had! She was skittish. If something or someone hurt her or caused her any discomfort, she was quick to be extremely weary of it, but gave anything a chance when first encountered--a very shade-like attribute. Shades, when harmed, became extremely cautious of what harmed them, but were as weary of a lion as they were a mouse. It'd walk right up and attempt to feed, 'less it were experienced enough to know the difference between the dangers of attacking a mouse versus attacking a lion.
The young girl poked her head out; she had been standing in front of Isac Hazker, a young girl looking no older than fourteen or so, if that, watching a spectacle he had to present to her. When she poked her head out from in front of Hazker to see what was behind him, Shin would see the familiar adolescent, the little girl with chin length black hair (slicked back, bangs and all, showing her forehead in an almost boyish fashion), almost obsidian skin color, scarlet eyes, and long ears pointed not up, but out--and horizontally out from her head.
As soon as she saw Shin Shiden, she remembered him and how much he scared her, and she instantly jumped, let out a squeak of fear, and hid in front of Isac. He was a big guy. A bigger guy. Not really a huge guy, but still bigger than she was! And bigger than Shin, too. He could protect her, if need be! And by the way Shin was talking, it seemed like that might even be the case. Mimi looked up with scarlet eyes, pleadingly, at Isac's face; she really didn't feel comfortable around Shin, and especially didn't want him hurting her. Again . . .