The way in which she sought to keep her small chest hidden threatened to again break my lips from their maintained line of indifference. I could understand her desire; few her age would be willing to be seen naked by one they hardly knew. Indeed, I was mildly surprised she had even let it go this far considering she only knew my face and a name to call me by. She had no idea of my mentality nor motives yet was still allowing this to progress.
Like spiders did my fingers climb up her dress so I could fully remove it from her without having to move the rest of my body. For now I didn't take action to reveal her bosom to my sight for if she had covered it, she had some reservations about letting me see. Instead I allowed silence to drift over us after she had spoken. With her dress laying crumpled on the floor just by her bed I began to run a single fingertip up along her right, further thigh, opposing the downward venture of my eyes. After several moments of this, the silence was broken; first by a kiss to her cheek.
"Even one such as you can have the greatest of beauty. It just requires the right mind and sight to see." By then had my finger reached the material of her panties, tracing over it to her waist where it continued its path. Finally, my hand came to rest atop her arms. I gave them a small nudge but didn't try to actually pull her limbs away. "May I?" I felt the more I had her participate in this the more she could warm up to me and do away with her nervousness. I even managed a teeth-revealing smile.