What would seem at first perfect silence would be interrupted by a seemingly loud explosion about ten feet up in the air, a portal of fire created with hands slowly coming out of it. The figure behind those hands hadn’t even appeared yet as the person eventually would stand on the portal’s edge just looking down on the water that was below, a lake so to speak and some rocks lined up around it. She’d seen this place before from her birthplace, a place of pure fire and lava. The woman had what looked like silver hair down to her waist and clothing that looked a little tightly snug against her body of red and white. She’d be without expression as she jump off the edge of the portal down to the ground below letting the portal close behind her. It was true though, the portal had been punched through with her fists alone into Algeroth as she let her feet touch the ground below getting a good look about where she was. She wasn’t just sure of her general location, but she knew it was Algeroth for that much.
Alterna was the given name to her, but she had other names she acquired over the years as she grew up. She’d eventually learn that being a Baelothonian after the destruction had grown worse wasn’t all that great. She’d look around a bit before sitting on the rock highest up over the lake looking down at the water. Her amber-reddish eyes just staring without even paying attention to anyone or anything, but observing what was around her, she looked like she was profiling the area for any threats that might be in her way. Alterna had in her hand a very, very small ball of fire she was bouncing up and down considering she had only a small amount of elemental magic in her blood. She was bored for the most part, but wasn’t about to move till she had observed the area and was satisfied.