by Paroxysm on Mon May 17, 2010 9:44 pm
The Governor’s hall was a proud building situated close to the center of Dachinst; its gated property is patrolled by several military-grade guards, quite a bit more powerful than the typical zombie infantry Darokin is so famous for, but not much different in intelligence, ultimately. In case of attack, from Hall to Gate, a minute’s walk would take, and the flat landscape of the property made the Hall a decent enough defensive point, allowing one to see their enemy’s advance, and to plan accordingly.
So this was it? After all that time of faithful servitude and loyalty and dedication and ... No, it wasn't actually that hard to believe the Emperor hadn't sent reinforcements above cadaver-class infantry. After all, the world was moving, there were bigger plans, and what was Dachinst? A pathetic outskirt city--a foothold to be taken away and crushed at a later, more convenient time? There were more important matters to attend to, yes. Yet, betrayal did have a habit of stinging one’s pride, regardless of one's ability to rationalize the situation.
“Ah-hah,” a hazy smoke filled the hall’s courtroom and only the slightest bit of orange gave off any hint of light in the room. “Shenfald,” the light grew brighter for a moment and dimmed. “The damned fool you are,” the speaker exhaled slowly and then drew in another breath, the orange light growing brighter yet again. “I warned you, I did; I told you: ‘nothing good will come of chaining me.’ Reassurances, Shenfald. Reassurances.”
The owner of the voice was a man of singular name: Zdenek. He was an old man and rather experienced, too. He had been the Governor of Dachinst since the very day it was founded, he had personally been given the office by Shenfald, and in Darokin one’s office is typically permanent--unless you anger the Emperor, of course. Still yet, however, was the fact that the occupation had been forced upon him, and he had no say in the matter: he was a demonic entity, his memory was hazy, he really didn’t know from where he had originally come from, but Shenfald had called him and given him power, sustenance and employment; the contract forged, Zdenek was forever bound to Shenfald, to Darokin, and to Dachinst.
"So be it!"
The entity announced in psychic volume.
"Righteous fools who believe themselves justicar", those who would advance upon him, those who knew him to be their enemy, would find his voice un-blockable, they’d find it inescapable, even, and a tad-bit foreboding, as well.
"You enter my domain", the doors of the Governor’s palace would creak and moan, they would splinter and rupture, and in a show of explosive force, they would invite the Drunalan Empire into the building. "And in doing so, you have caused judgment only to yourselves. Come", he announced once more. "Face me where I am strongest, blasphemous dogs."
From the seat in which he sat, the dark entity stood, the lights of the buildings would slowly flicker to life, each individual room of the hall would systematically light ominously, easily seen from the windows outside, and the orange light from earlier was thrown to the ground, a brown cigar-butt snuffed into the marble flooring.
Mind link to COMP disconnected_