And there it was. Sedit had been waiting for it since he learned of the prejudice against elven kind... which was less than an hour ago, but Naius's air of tension upon reentering the town and the disgust displayed by the farmer and his whore had put Sedit on edge and he simply expected something like this to happen. Naius was displaying threat, daring the the drug dealer to either act or call him some other derogatory term. The drug dealer was anxious and desperate to protect his future sales. The reaper's analysis of the situation did not yield favorable results. An incident with the townsfolk on the students' first night, likely after curfew already, would lead to harsh reprimand and possibly even a fictional courtmarshall to appease the citizens--
Sedit remained next to his friend. He slid his knife from his sleeve. It was the one his father had left in the wreckage, shaped like a scalpel but with a proper knife handle and a thicker blade capable of blocking. It was sharp. And he was tensed like a spring. He waited for Naius to make a move, any move, toward the man. He waited for the silence to crumble. He waited for the chance to breathe again.