by Nayt on Tue Aug 24, 2010 6:47 pm
Akizetsumei turned around to face Toushikyo. The only problem was that she didn't let go of Eld, which meant for her to turn around, he had to flip around with her and-- as they were facing opposite directions originally --face the opposite way. And after the fact, she still hadn't let go of him.
"What?" Akizets called back as she slowed to a stop. Everyone else stopped along with her, and spread out to make some space between she and Toushikyo.
She did not sound amused. Now, Akizetsumei normally had a very powerful level of patience, but when it came to her older brother, she had zero. In fact, for all intents and purposes, she was a total brat whenever he felt the need to scold or correct her. Like right now.
"I said: what are you doing?" Toushikyo reiterated. Same tone and everything.
"I see that," Toushikyo replied. Truth be told, Toushikyo rarely-- if ever --showed any variation of emotion. At best, you'd get indifferent. At worst, you'd get annoyed. Right now, he was still in the quadrant of the former, but very capable of wandering to the latter. "Why are you walking like that?"
"Like what?"
"Holding on to Eld like that."
Akizets glanced to Eld's arm, thought about it for a moment, and held on to him tighter. "'Cause I wanna."
"You shouldn't do that."
Akizets pursed her lips in disapproval. "Why not?"
"It's discomforting," Toushikyo replied simply.
Akizets shut her eyes and put her nose up to her brother, "To a butt-head like you, maybe."
"Well no one invited you, anyways."
Toushikyo had still yet to be pushed to any level of annoyance. He pointed next to him. "Maya did."
Akizets opened her eyes and looked at Maya with a tilt of her head. "Oh?" she asked, sounding a lot nicer and less bratty; she had nothing against Maya, after all. "Really?"
"Y-yes," Maya said nervously. She then slowly edged away from Toushikyo, so not to be pulled into this sibling dispute even further. Years of being Sarah's best friend had taught her when to bail out. Now was as good of a time as any.
"Oh. Well. That was really sweet of you," Akizets replied genuinely. It was super nice of someone to invite a person they like to go swimming-- or to any big social gathering. Maya was all right in her book!
Silence passed, and Akizetsumei still hadn't released Eld. Soon enough, Toushikyo realized how fruitless the argument was and took a step forward. This prompted his sister to scramble quickly; she lifted her right foot and hopped on her left to keep steady, all the while plucking her sandal off of her lifted foot. Still holding on to Eld with one arm, she held her sandal out defensively with the other hand.
"Y-you big dummy!" Akizets proclaimed, "D-don't you even dare!"
Toushikyo stared at her blankly. It was the closest to a nonplussed reaction one could ever really get from him. His blank stare was broken and his attention faltered only when Etsu held out a spear just for him. He questioned her intent at first, but upon reaching a quiet understanding with her-- one that was met by way of them sharing an equally as blank stare --he gave her a nod of appreciation and gingerly accepted the spear from her. Akizetsumei was driven off of Eld quicker than any speed reaction she'd ever had in her life.
She held her hands up as a show of peace. One still held her sandal. "W-- We're separated! We're separated!"
Toushikyo nodded to acknowledge this, handed the spear back to Etsu, and returned to Maya's side.