by Nayt on Mon Oct 20, 2008 11:28 pm
Baleron's reaction had gone from sober to jovial in an instant. Eroina, surprised by him lifting her up in an embrace, couldn't help but laugh--happily, and throw her arms around him, as well. It was strange, though, as she couldn't feel a thing. The embrace, no matter how tight it may have been, was gentle enough--as if he was trying not to squeeze her too hard?--that she could not feel it, only the pressure of it.
Set back upon the ground, Eroina released him as he did her, and stood once more with her hands holding one another behind her back--and though Baleron, for a moment, thoroughly inspected her eyes to discern how moist and bloodshot they were, she didn't once drop her wide, wholly pleasant smile. Of course, she had hit the pipes. She had hit them pretty hard. In fact, she had taken enough hits from the hookah that for a brief period of time, Fifteen could have introduced himself as God, and she'd have believed him. She was still running on a buzz, though; not high, but happier than usual. Likewise, this meant she was also susceptible to depression, too.
"Mh-mmm!" Eroina shook her head, "It's the same dress, but Fifteen made it so much prettier!"
And then, she was spun around, a surprise that had her gasp at first, but laugh in the end, as Baleron held her close to him. This kind of closeness . . . she really enjoyed it, even if she couldn't feel it all. What she could feel, though, was a kiss upon her cheek--the second one today, which, for the second time, had a chill running up her spine. A good chill. A warm chill. Sadly, that feeling could only last so long, as Baleron's actions and words put Fifteen off significantly. He looked . . . sad. And he sounded it, too! Eroina's features fell, and she pouted out her lip and sulked her shoulders. She really liked Fifteen, too . . .
"B-but, but!" Eroina exclaimed, sadly. She sulked in Baleron's arms, sighing. "I . . . but I . . . ohhhh . . . we were having so much fun, too . . ."