by Nayt on Tue Nov 23, 2010 11:51 pm
At first, Toushikyo said nothing. It was only Eld speaking, and this made Akizetsumei acutely aware of where she was and in what state she was there. Her face turned bright red.
"A-ah! Umm--!!" she meeped, "Ummm-- umm, m-- maybe!"
Eld might not have been willing to talk about the whole kicking-out-of-bed thing, but Toushikyo was not in any way above picking on his sister. Up until now, though, it was probably easy for Eld to just figure that Toushikyo was simply a jerk sometimes, but now, he'd actually be able to see up close and personal what Akizets labeled as her big brother being a "super huge jerk-face mcjerk."
"I made no such promise," Toushikyo replied.
He folded his arms over his chest and leveled a disapproving stare upon his sister. Or at least what was supposed to look like a disapproving stare. Akizetsumei's bashfulness was quickly put on the back burner. She glared at her brother and bawled her hands into tight fists.
"You totally did. I totally remember you promising me that!" she exclaimed.
"No. You asked me to," Toushikyo corrected, "But I said nothing."
"Y-- you nodded your head, though!"
"I was nodding off," Toushikyo rolled his shoulders lethargically, "It is only natural after an hour with you."
"Wha--!!" Akizets scoffed. Without skipping a beat, and marched on over to stand between Eld and Toushikyo. There, she stamped her feet down, folded her arms over her chest, and glared defensively. "Why-- why-- you are just the biggest jerk to ever jerk, you know that! I-- I bet you even threatened to hurt him!"
"Not yet, no," Toushikyo then let his eyes fall upon Eld, "I suppose I will now, though. Eldridge? It is my familial duty to inform you that, provided you cross any boundary with my sister that I or my family are uncomfortable with, be it a boundary established now or decided on the spot at a later date, I am fully prepared and willing to put an end to your life. Unless, of course, my father would prefer to do the honors. Seniority."