by Nayt on Sun Nov 28, 2010 2:17 am
And indeed, Akizetsumei was happy to just be up there with him. They didn't even need to talk! She was there, he was there, she was holding onto him, and she could very easily hear Eld's heart with her ear pressed up against her back. After a couple of minutes, she even started to pat it out, tapping her hand upon Eld's belly every time his heart beat. She kept the rhythm quite well, actually. Soon enough, though, Eld broke the silence, and Akizetsumei perked her head up a bit. That was an odd question!
"Hm? Laina?" Akizets asked rhetorically.
But it certainly wasn't one she was outright unwilling to talk about. Akizets loved her big sister to death, and she missed her every day she was gone.
"Laina is suuuuper cool," Akizets exclaimed, "She's just . . . like . . . ummmmmm . . ."
Then she trailed off, as suddenly the girl realized she had a million and one ways to talk about her big sister, and she probably couldn't fit all that in one sentence.
"She goes wherever she wants and does whatever she wants," Akizets said, figuring this explained it the best, "And she was always like that, too. Eeeeven before she, umm, lefttobecomeamusicianwhichiscompletelyawesome. But yeah! She's always known what she's wanted to do, y'know? Like-- liiike-- like she's always wanted to play music, right? My dad told me she started playing violin just outta school. And she never let anyone tell her different, either! If someone told her she'd never make money doin' that, she'd say 'though I might be broke, I will be happy,' and they'd have nothin' to say about that! Oh! Oh! Aaaand-- and she taught me everything I've ever known to do, y'know? Like climbing and running and stuff. She loved to explore, and she'd always bring me along! She's just-- she's super nice and super cool; really talented and, um, and really strong, too. All around strong. No one can push her around."
Definitely someone for a thirteen year old girl to idolize, that was for sure. And probably for the better, too. A strong willed and self confident young woman was a very positive idol for a young girl.