River's End, Mercoras
September 15th, 5128
Roland was not surprised in the least that the colonel, Dasari, the highest ranking officer of River's End's newest residents, was more than willing to make good on his word. Last week, give or take a day or two, he had given Roland and his friend, Henri, an interesting gift - weapons, real ones - and promised to teach them a thing or two when he had the time. Truthfully, Roland suspected that Dasari probably thought that only one of them would have really taken him up on the offer, but, at least this morning, Roland was quite forceful - er, resourceful - when it came to convincing the second recipient to get his ass out of bed, dressed, and ready to learn to swing their new toys around; it was a good reward for themselves, really - after
last week, they deserved to do something fun, and who knew, it may come in handy one day, right?
Colonel Dasari stood at the center of a large circle - ‘the stage’, he had called it - with a large, loose smile on his face. Before they had started, he had instructed Roland to ‘clench his teeth and stick out his chin’, and then punched him, hard, in the face, and sent him spiraling about, Roland was also pretty sure that Dasari had said something unflattering about Henri’s mother, but he wasn’t sure. His head was spinning at the time.
Suddenly, some of the snickering he had heard while they were heading to the ’stage’ made sense. Henri and Roland didn’t - couldn’t - know it, but ’on stage’? Dasari was something of a douchebag.
“Okay, let us set some rules,” Dasari said as he un-slung a wooden . . . wooden hunk of . . . Wood. Yes, it was a large (former) tree branch with one end having been shaped into a handle and the other left completely natural, although broken and riddled with signs of use. Parts of it jutted from here and there, pieces of it were sharp and, well, angular, and
that made it an effective weapon of intimidation. Still, it was wood and mostly non-lethal, provided Dasari didn’t go berserker on them, and pound them into red, pulpy mush.
“Hm, okay - you go first,” he pointed at Henri with his free hand’s index finger, “you can set one rule and I’ll follow it, and then Dufort,” he left off the honorific, purposely, “can set his one rule.”
Roland shot Henri a glance before standing up from the ground.
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