Essentially any sort of character or plot are welcome in Eugena. The laws of the land are very broad, and only really deal with advancement through castes. Individual castes, however, have their own standards, enforced by majority will or imposed by particularly powerful individuals. In some cases, these smaller societies could be extremely different from other castes, but like all things in Eugena, they may only be temporary. Life in Eugena is a constant struggle to maintain your position, and only those who struggle even harder can advance.
Eventually, I'd like to see every caste except the Fields controlled by a player with a unique vision of how that group would act. From a feminist caste to a military law-dominated caste to a gladiatorial caste, anything is welcome. Just remember, nothing tends to be permanent in Eugena. "Enforcers" is the loose term for bodyguards, henchmen, or anyone who acts those of a lower caste in the employment of someone higher. "Testers" is the loose term for assassins, revolutionaries, or anyone who acts against those of a higher caste. The military consists of many ranks, and the soldiers in its employ tend to be either sailors, raiders, or defenders of national interests.
Anyone with an idea or question is free to contact me on AIM or YIM under the name "Ramlock01" or via any other method you may wish to try.