by Nayt on Sat Nov 29, 2008 2:17 pm
"E-eh?!" had Daniel been drinking anything, he'd have spit it out immediately.
He was at first tempted to come to Everett's defense regarding the bitch comment. He didn't think of her in that light. Every time Daniel came close to thinking it, she did something cute and completely ruined the negative appeal for the time. His opinion up to this point had just been a series of spikes--extreme like, extreme dislike, moderate like, but the caring remained the same throughout: he wasn't going to let her go off into the wilderness alone, regardless of how much he either liked or disliked her during a particular moment in time.
That didn't mean he was mating with her in any way, though, and quite frankly the idea seemed preposterous in every way! Everett may have thought he was trying for it last night or this morning, but in no way was he trying to get that close to her! Firstly, they were too damn young, and secondly, that would mean he'd have to find some place to settle down, because he liked to think of himself as a responsible young man, even if he forgot his responsibilities at times. That wasn't his fault, though--there was just something off in his brain. Whoever he wound up with would just have to bear with him a bit.
If Everett was that girl, that'd be one crazy life. N-no! No thoughts about the future, you'll just get your hopes up!
"U-uh, um, er . . . n-no, w-we're not," Daniel coughed awkwardly, "oI'm, er, uh . . . she's, uh--w-we're a little t-too young t-to, er, y'know. Loike that. Too young to go, er, mate. Yeah. oI'm not ready to settle down or anything and don't even remember where the hell oI'm s'posed to go and--er, yeah. Uh. Heh. Roight."
Though they weren't fooling around or anything, albeit something he certainly wouldn't mind, there may have been some relationship prospect there. Maybe. He wasn't really tying for it or anything, but he wouldn't have complained at all. Well . . . he wasn't trying hard, at least.
"I, uh, couldn't complain about having a girlfriend or something, though. Uh. Yeah. Well . . . you know--we're just, er, friends, though?" Daniel laughed uncomfortably.
Wouldn't complain about the sex, either.