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Her idea of a good time.

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Re: Her idea of a good time.

Postby Nayt on Mon Jan 19, 2009 12:40 am

Yes, the topic of conversation was making her feel a tad bit uncomfortable, enough that she was forced to focus on other things and regrettably listen to very little that Tanis and Fifteen said here. It was problematic for her, too, because she really enjoyed hearing their voices and partaking in conversation with them!

Sadly, while they talked so low of Baleron, a cruel irony occurred elsewhere, as Baleron experienced a twisted and horrid fate--one that, sadly, wasn't too far out of the realm of reality here in Persistencia. At least, not as far as "science" was concerned. They had brought to life a girl who passed recently, using parts of other corpses, while making use of whatever they could of her original body--torso and head. Not even her neck was the same! Indeed, the creation of the living dead had come about on this island, and so, the potential for cannibalism was not too far beyond the realm of reality. That didn't make it any less silly, though.

Nonetheless, a change in conversation would have been great!

"Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm what about this place?" she asked.

Persistencia, a land wherein a girl such as her could be made without moral argument, a land inaccessible without adequate means or blind luck, an island nation on which almost anything was possible, even rising from the dead. Eroina didn't know much about the rest of the world, but she could only assume that there were nowhere else in the world that was anything like this land!

Cheerily, Eroina reordered her question, "What do you think of Persistencia?"
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Re: Her idea of a good time.

Postby supernal on Mon Jan 19, 2009 3:03 am

“You’re a man of few words Tanis. I like that.”

Fifteen finally centered every spare ounce of attention that he could muster and met the girl with a gaze more scrutinous and over-bearing than the sun’s own. Though he held himself in a refined and elegant fashion, as a matter of fact Fifteen seemed almost relaxed despite his impossible rigidity and straight-backed posture, his eyes were piercing. Every sway of her body, every slight dip or rise in the curves of her lips, even so far as where Eroina’s eyes were looking when she spoke; all of them factors that he burned into his iris.

“Persistencia is lovely. I simply adore the atmosphere. It’s lacking that…austerity that seems to spike the air in nearly every other land I’ve traveled to. There’s always some manner of competition among the classes, some manner of social strata where some,” He shot a quick glance to Tanis, and made sure that the elf saw it, before returning to Eroina. “Not only feel superior to others, but feel the need to make it known in the haughtiest of fashions. But Persistencia is free of this. The natives are happy, well-fed, and amiable in every facet and situation I’ve seen them in.”

Fifteen leaned back slightly, touching his back to the chair and tearing to shreds his self-imposed notion of inflexibility. He smiled, the smile as fluid as water, and his eyes not quite as bright.

“If the world was Persistencia, it’d be better off. It may not be as advanced as other areas when it comes to, say, technology. But is that much of a fair trade? Technology for happiness? I’d rather have the latter, and I think most others would too. Those that wouldn’t might as well remove themselves from life itself. It’s not worth living without happiness. If I were you Eroina, I’d stay here as long as I could.

Tanis, your thoughts?”
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Re: Her idea of a good time.

Postby Titan on Mon Jan 19, 2009 5:14 pm

"It is false." When I said such, I was not looking at either of the two nearest me. Instead, one gazing at me would think I were staring into nothingness, or maybe even the air itself. It seemed as though I were witnessing something none other did. After a few moments, allowing my meager verbal offering to settle, Fifteen filled my vision. Doing so would have given him a minor peak beyond the mask; rather than nothing, a mixture of disgust, horror and anger managed to curl about the fringes of my control for a time even quicker than the man needed to share his glance towards Eroina with me.

"A false world of happiness and utter joy, leading into self-indulgences that could ultimately become costly for this entire planet if left unchecked. A world with naught but peace can be more dangerous than one without. Darkness lurks in the thoughts of all men, feeding from their emotions and threatening to manifest when most opportune. The God-Child is a fool for allowing this place exist so. Afterall, don't you Mon'Keigh believe Love and Happiness are two of the strongest feelings?"

When I spoke, it was not as carefree as the man's words nor did I sound a critic judging a scene without bias. Instead, my words came as though spoken by a prophet bearing forth the future to an expecting audience. A cryptic tone had leaked into my usually quieted and hushed speech. Eroina was the first to be given hint at my heritage by the mystic, far-off undertone that joined my words when I failed to supress it.

For a small time I glanced at Eroina, wondering if she would meet my gaze; wondering what she would say about my thoughts. Before too long, though, would I settle Fifteen in my sights. Up until now, even if my responses had been short he'd always managed to get me to reply. What now, would he think of my message?
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Re: Her idea of a good time.

Postby Nayt on Wed Jan 21, 2009 9:58 pm

At first, she smiled brightly at Fifteen's opinions. She really did love it here in Persistencia, and so did everyone else, it seemed! Everyone except a few--except maybe Tanis. Eroina was less giddy upon his reaction; it really wasn't what she was hoping to hear, but she wasn't the type to hold that against a person. The girl knew full well that she couldn't make anyone like something.

Eroina knew not much of the world outside Persistencia, only geography and a brief history--of the End of the world, for example, and how months prior to today, the social structure of the world changed so drastically so quickly that half or more the countries that populated the planet broke down, and either fell into chaos or were absorbed by neighboring countries. The world as they knew it had come to an end, and what was known as "Utopia" quickly became the world they now had to live with: Dystopia.

What they argued now was the old world versus the new world. Dystopia, in reconstruction of what it once was, was thrice the paradise that Utopia was--a world that looked pleasant only on the surface, and only as a saran wrap painting over the mess of a place it was on the inside. For this argument to come up now . . . it was interesting, at least to those that understood the deduction. Eroina, on the other hand, did not.

She figured it best to keep out of this dispute, and ducked her head down a bit, as if fearing that something was going to fly from Tanis to Fifteen, or vice versa. Their opinions differed so drastically, and she remembered pretty clearly what happened the last time two men had a large disagreement . . .
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Re: Her idea of a good time.

Postby supernal on Thu Jan 22, 2009 1:22 pm

Fifteen folded his hands in his lap politely and kept his eyes ever forward. Some found his piercing gaze to be slightly unsettling if it was trained on you too long. Some would bring up this point, and Fifteen would merely brush it aside, apologizing if they thought he was trying to achieve some level of intimidation, and assuring them that he was merely being focused.

Still, it would probably help his case if he ever bothered to blink every now and then.

"That's an interesting word that you use. Mon'Keigh. It must mean something special to you. I can tell by the way you use it. You have a very strong grasp of Common (I hope that's the language name they give English in Dystopia!), but you keep reverting back to that word. You use it to separate yourself from the people around you. From the Mon'Keigh."

Fifteen unfolded his hands and let his right reach gracefully towards the table, clasp a goblet of wine that had been previously poured, and brought it to his lips. This, of all things, allowed him to wallow in decadence. This, of all things, did not taste like ash and he could truly revel in its taste. Half emptied, he placed it back with a silencing thud and left his hand near it.

"I can't help but wonder what it is that you've suffered that makes you look down on…" Fifteen looked around. There was Tanis, the elf, and Eroina, the adorable breathing corpse; somewhere in the palace was the angel-king, and the natives of Persistencia had something about them that made them seem not quite human. He looked back to Tanis and smiled politely. Always politely. "What makes you look down on me with such contempt.

I fear that we're stealing the spotlight yet again Tanis. Eroina, come now, don't be so shy. You're among friends, if nothing else. Speak up then, what are your thoughts on all this?"
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Re: Her idea of a good time.

Postby Titan on Fri Jan 23, 2009 2:25 pm

If Fifteen were susceptible to such tactics, he'd find in himself Tanis' response; a quick flutter of thoughts passing so much faster than could happen with words. If Fifteen's mind were relaxed, the Eldar's speech would drift into the man's head as gently as a feather floating to the ground. In it would be gone the touch of humanity which graced Tanis' words, nothing but that melodic undertone carrying his message.

"You are as dangerous and duplicitous as this island. Cunning and conniving. Man's two greatest traits are ingenuity and deception." Unwilling to share more, unsure of how great the man's acceptance may be to such communication, Fifteen again brought Eroina into the mixture of things. I found it odd he continued to delve into topics that were prone to involving just the two of us before trying to divert the train of thoughts after taking in my response.

It was indeed clever. A means to glean information and form a more developed opinion of me before he jumped to conclusions. Like I had. A fault of my own. True, in comparison, humanity was a much younger race than my own but still they survived and fought on against all adversity pit against them. They possessed an equal capacity for greatness in either creation or destruction; if only they might show more of the former.

Before I took my eyes from the man and focused again on Eroina, the immensely subtle, pompous and arrogant smirk that tugged the right corner of my mouth begrudgingly took on a somewhat more gentle and sincere curl to it. Anyone with a less scrutinizing gaze than the man would miss the change.
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Re: Her idea of a good time.

Postby Nayt on Mon Jan 26, 2009 10:08 am

Offtopic: Common would be the right word, sir!

"Ummmm . . ." she whispered, quickly becoming quiet.

This conversation had gone down a path that she definitely didn't feel comfortable with: these two men almost blatantly attacking each other. Tanis's poor opinion of the island combated Fifteen's high regard for it, and now Fifteen's words blatantly assaulted some aspects of Tanis's speech--a particular word he used regularly. Eroina thought about it as Fifteen brought it up, and it was true! Tanis did use that word a lot. Well, in the times so far that Eroina had heard him speak about other people. Truth be told, their conversations prior hadn't really been about anyone but the two of them, Tanis and Eroina. It wasn't until now that it came up, and she couldn't ignore it.

If she could, she would have continued to eat and try to remain blissfully unaware of the tension between her two male companions--but that just wasn't going to happen! Disappointment abounds, but alas . . .

The girl shook her head. "I-I don't know. I . . . I don't look down on anyone, and I . . . I can't understand it. Everyone is so much taller than me . . ."

There were some benefits to being naive, certainly . . .
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Re: Her idea of a good time.

Postby supernal on Mon Jan 26, 2009 7:10 pm

He noticed the change in the smile. Fifteen noticed everything.

Though Fifteen lacked the precise cognitive abilities required to extend the words in one’s own mind and cast them into the mental realm of another, ‘telepathy’ as it is known in more vulgar circles, he knew his way around the figurative alley. He knew enough to defend himself, if the situation ever called for it, and though he could forge no links, he knew how to use one should it ever be placed upon him.

You’re the only one that knows. I intend to keep it that way.

“Come now Eroina.” Fifteen rapped sharply on the table to make sure, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the girl’s eyes would remain on him. Should she look up into his glittering gold eyes then, and no later, she’d find herself arrested. Never had they been so piercing. So utterly demanding. “Don’t take such offense! There’s nothing wrong with a differing opinions, is there? Tanis and I are both grown men, and it would take nothing short than an act of God to make us identical in every opinion.”

I could use you Tanis. You’re sharper than the rest. Very few people rarely catch on. And those that do, do so too late. I could use you. And if you don’t let you pride get in the way, you’d realize you could use me too.

“Talk is simply talk, Eroina. The test of friendship comes from being able to look past differences, not from being identical in every way.

Come now. Eat eat. I feel like I’m the only one actually tasting the food.”
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Re: Her idea of a good time.

Postby Titan on Wed Jan 28, 2009 4:26 pm

He could use me. It was the kind of thing that threatened to break my seal and reveal the emotions hidden behind my stonewall ruse; it made me want to laugh. Ah, but not even my eyes would let slip this knowledge, keeping up a gaze that might make one think I found most around me only passingly interesting. Near always I could maintain this mask. Near always. I spoke again to the man, using that secretive channel that I had established between the two of us. It was a quick reply, responding at most to the last thing he had thought.

"I intend to keep it that way."

In tandem with his calming words to the girl, ensuring there would be nothing engaging between the two of us, I gave her a reassuring pat on the back. My hand landed a bit high, closer to her neck. It retreated when Fifteen urged her to try the foods her people had laid out for the gathering to partake of. The foods I'd looked at only to identify, if possible. My nose would tell me more.

My eyes... they were on Fifteen. I had begun to wonder, with each message I sent, if perhaps he had again begun to feel the heavy and dominating presence that made itself known that time the two of us locked eyes. Could he feel the tingling sensation, like that of a ghost exploring his physical form and worth, spreading across his body. If he could, he would also realize it had gone as quickly as it came upon him. That my sight fled him as sure as it beheld him.
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Re: Her idea of a good time.

Postby Nayt on Wed Jan 28, 2009 9:20 pm

"I-I'm not offended . . ." Eroina shook her head.

It was true! That's how she really thought! Eroina felt as if she had grown several inches shorter. Naively, she didn't understand the act of talking down to another person, or feeling any superiority over another, and she had justified that confusion by claiming herself short, and unable to look down on another person--and that much was true. Unable to comprehend the notion, she could only take it literally, and with that, concluded that she was one of the shortest people she knew, unable to look down upon a single person!

Nonetheless, Eroina couldn't help but feel even shorter now, as things became even more tense between Tanis and Fifteen. She didn't realize it, but she was sliding down in her seat, enough that rather than her diaphragm being at level with the table, her shoulders were. No wonder she felt so small!

Tanis patting her on the back made her realized where she was again, though, and she regarded him with a nervous smile before sitting back up. She'd need to eat, yes--eating would be for the best! Because of the tension amongst them, she was having difficulty justifying it, but now she could, and though she was feeling extremely meek, shy, and unwilling to thrust herself into the middle of the mess, she did allow herself to eat. Her choice of food was delicious, albeit slightly more barbaric than most others. She preferred meats, and she preferred them almost raw. They were cooked, but not enough to get rid of the flavor that made it all the better. Eroina found herself able to indulge in eating, enough that she could, for a short time, feel as if she weren't between the argument of these two men, albeit some of it within their minds--but even still, it would be obvious enough to the both of them that she was extremely uncomfortable at the moment, and might have preferred it if they could get along better . . .
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Re: Her idea of a good time.

Postby supernal on Thu Jan 29, 2009 1:36 pm

"I'm quite glad to hear it. If…" Fifteen paused and leaned forward slightly, just an inch or two, but kept his eyes wholly on Eroina's own. His voice dropped down an octave, not enough to steal his words away from Tanis, but enough that Eroina might feel that a secret was being shared. "If you're ever feeling…small, just remember that you're among friends."

As was said before, and as Tanis now definitely knew by the tentative grasp with which Fifteen held their connection, this man was not a telepath. There was no mystical fashion in which Fifteen peered into her mind. No no, it was all science. The girl was as young as she was naïve which, given that she had been properly alive for less than a year, was nothing to laugh at. She had been sinking in her chair as the two men talked. The insecurity practically dripped from her like sweat.

Fifteen was visibly pleased when she began to eat. His eyes took on a sort of fatherly gleam, in that her lack of an appetite had been causing him no small measure of concern, and now he could finally focus on other things.

Other things being Tanis.

"You haven't been eating much, I've noticed, Tanis. Does the food not please your delicate palate?" Fifteen again busied himself with the fragile stem of the nearest wine glass. "I've heard talk that elves are among the greatest of story tellers. Would you tell us a story Tanis? It doesn't have to be purely fiction. Tell us about your past, unless that would bother you?"

Unless you've got secrets to hide.
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Re: Her idea of a good time.

Postby Titan on Fri Jan 30, 2009 3:36 pm

So now things had been settled with Eroina, Fifteen again shifted his focus my way. He thought me an elf and I could full understand why. The only way one could really hope to differentiate me from them was to see us side-by-side and compare first-hand the variables between us. As elves often regarded humans as being slow and clumsy, so too could my people hold such against the woodland folk. Indeed, there were many a difference between we two species.

The teeth of Tanis' people are fully one with their skulls, making them sturdier and preventing teeth from growing in misaligned. They kept an unnaturally whiter hue in comparison to most beings as well as retain a sharper edge. As Eroina had seen, those of Tanis' own craftworld backing tended to have a very pale and milky complexion. Naturally more flexible, lean and graceful than elvenkind, even the most simple gesture could display great emotion. It was one of the reasons the boy usually kept himself hidden by cloak and endeavored to move only when absolutely neccesary. Those whom had not spent time amongst elves could mistake him for one, as Fifteen did. Those that knew them could tell Tanis was not one. No, he was something more.

"I ate earlier." It was all the reply I gave for it was all I needed supply. If I was full there would no longer be a need to eat. So instead of continuing the topic the two of us switch to his next mention; his thoughts on my blood. This time, my smile did grow a bit wider than anticipated as he suggested I may be of the woods.

"If you wish to hear the elves preach, I would suggest you find one."
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Re: Her idea of a good time.

Postby Nayt on Sun Feb 01, 2009 7:24 pm

"Elves don't come from the sky."

The girl had interrupted her eating of the barely cooked meat in order to speak, feeling that it was important information to convey. Tanis had already stated that he wasn't an elf, but what if Fifteen didn't believe that? Eroina knew a tiny bit about the most common races in the world, and she knew for a fact that Tanis was not an elf. She was just backing up his point by declaring this fact!

"So . . . so Tanis can't be an elf," Eroina declared with a nod.

Elves were native to this world, after all! Knowing that he came from the stars, it didn't take much reasoning for her to know that he was in no way an elf. He just had the usual traits of them--well, he had similar ears. Eroina didn't know any other common traits of that particular race . . .

She may have said just a little more than Tanis wanted her to, though--well, a bit more than a little. She wasn't going into the whole deal about Tanis's origins, but she had said more than enough to potentially make Fifteen even more curious, perhaps enough to drill Tanis about it--something Eroina hadn't intended.

Without realizing that she may have said too much, Eroina contently went back to eating. She was trying to ignore the tiff between them, and like Fifteen suggested, think about the fact that she was with friends, even though she felt so small at the moment.
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Re: Her idea of a good time.

Postby supernal on Mon Feb 02, 2009 9:29 pm

He had hoped to get Tanis talking, either because he wanted to, or because he had no choice but to acquiesce. Most people weren’t too bad at lying, but that was mostly because most people didn’t lie that frequently, even in a single day that they had chosen specifically for the purpose of carrying on a fallacy. It took effort to construct the lies, to keep them in mind, and flesh out all the details. Fifteen wanted to get Tanis talking and, at the end of his speech, Fifteen would go back and see what holes there were to poke in his story.

But Eroina, that wonderful unknown variable, did most of the work for him. Now Fifteen knew that Tanis wasn’t an elf, that he was a creature of the sky, and he had managed to come into this information without coming off to seem even a tenth as conniving as he truly was.

"That’s right," Fifteen almost cooed with a voice of crushed velvet. "Elves do not come from the sky. You are very right about that Eroina. So, Tanis, now that I know that you aren't an elf, that doesn't rightly excuse you from the rest of the question, does it?

You might still be a grand storyteller, with all kinds of fables to share with us, or a past that we might be able to identify with. To be friends, we must start off as strangers, but there's no sense in staying that way. Is there?"
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Re: Her idea of a good time.

Postby Titan on Tue Feb 03, 2009 1:24 am

Eroina's slip up was of little importance, for even with that small scope of information Fifteen still would have no idea just what exactly I was. Now that he knew my origins laid not with this planet I was sure it might eat more and more at him not to know just what he was in the presence of. Indeed, I felt a small amount of gratitude to the girl for letting this portion of knowledge become the man's as well. Now I just had to decide in what way I would answer any further questions he asked of me, if truly I even stayed long enough for the two of us to really become embroiled in conversation. Things had honestly begun to grow dull.

"My skill with the spoken word may truly be magnificent, but never had I endeavored to find out if such were true. There are few I have found that I've cared to share anything of my past with." When saying this I looked at Eroina again. There was a kindness some might think subdued in my gaze, as if I were afraid of letting others know that the lass held some favor in my eyes. "Tell no other what I shared with you. If they wish to learn anything of me, they must learn it from me." Even while sharing this message with Eroina I had settled again my eyes on Fifteen, speaking in time with the soft hum of my thoughts in the girl's head.

"There is no sense in getting to know another individual if you care not to become friends. Is there?" At that point, I felt it was time to take my leave. Removing the hand that had come to find itself laid on Eroina's shoulder as I stood, it was put to use in lifting my pack to shoulder it after I had stepped over to it. "Now, I shall be taking my leave." I was expecting Eroina to put up some resistance to my departure, but I was keen on not being swayed from my decision. In fact, after nodding my head to first her then Fifteen, I set on making my way to the door.
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