So that was really Gaar's name; Vylrath. Regardless of the child's lacking of influence from her father's blood, it was undoubtable that there was a similarity between the two of them. At their core, a spiritual likeness that revealed their bond, just as the link between Kahlan and her children came to my attention when my focus was better developed. Apparently the man had spawned from the copulation of a vile demon and another creature, more likely than not another Mon'Keigh. Knowing his nature granted me a deeper insight into why I had been so opposed to his presence, even if he did not seem to be of kin to the daemons of Chaos who thrived in The Warp. Still he held a few similarities to the Daemonettes She employed. If only in mannerisms.
Willow's appearance had been fortuitous indeed, for in a relatively short span of time I had come to know a great many things that likely would not have been revealed should I have asked to know. Kahlan even took it upon herself to more formally introduce the two girls I already knew from conversational observation, and I knew whatever connection between us that I had struck was gradually regaining its strength. The scarred but enchanting woman even wished to appologize for being upset with my affront to her nature. I did not attempt verbal communication, dismissing her words with a movement of a hand, as if to intone she had nothing to appologize for. If she, a woman that had had a great many years to learn control over her beastial nature found faults in herself when it was revealed, she should understand my own thoughts could be made more brash and aggressive by it.
In that wave my hand had given, my differing nature from those around me would have been further revealed to the now scrutinizing Willow. There was something rather unnvervingly graceful about even so simple an action. It was with a precision and skill very, very few Mon'Keigh could ever hope to emulate. If ever the girl had witnessed elvenkind she would feel they too paled in comparison to my own dexterity. It was merely a part of my blood that would be evident did not my cloak hide it from her eyes. Eldar did not possess the brutal strength of other races, but the difference in our speed, agility and dexterity was oh-so vast.
In all, it was wise I had not choosen to speak any amount of words for likely their progress would have been staunched by the irritable girl. Her first words seemed angry and dismayed, though what followed held a deeper sensation of sadness to it. Until her rage flared when she verbally turned to rally against me. Her misconceptions revealed themselves one after another, believing my lack of even a century's worth of life to be something intolerable when still I was a few times her own age. Not only her mother, with all of her experience, but even the youngest of us here could rid the world of my being. Or so she believed. So foolish and quick to jump to conclusions. "Just like a Mon'Keigh."
Her assault did not stop there, for she went on with the thought that just because she was a woman I should feel so inclined as to leave myself prostrate before her and at her mercy. I guess I had been showing more of my nature by not placing one sex above the other, for mother had taught me much. How the Eldar did not take gender into account for anything, a woman being as skilled at war as a man and a man as powerful as a woman in art. In truth, it was one of the galaxy's only societies in which man and woman stood upon unequivocally equal ground.
Compounding upon that thought was her mention of women of royalty. As if the supposed kings and queens of this world's territorial states should have any importance to one such as I. Young Willow's antics had near been enough to ellicit a smile from me, even if such a gesture would have been lost to their eyes. Even through my natural dislike for her based solely upon her blood found itself waning if only slightly. If nothing else, humanity was a quick means of entertainment.
The first and only words Willow or even Igraine would hear from me would come only after the girl stalked off, broadcasting her thoughts outward in hopes that her Mikael would come running to her aid. I had seen and heard more than enough and before Kahlan could take her chance at a possible reprimand for her delinquent daughter would I say quietly, "By your leave." With such did I turn from the three so that I might, finally, depart from their presence.