Cyril looked at the words with a certain sense of wonder when he saw the pen ink above the page, mostly at who would and could write such a thing on his paper. And why? It made no sense. Who was trying to contact him? Someone with access to his newspaper? That was strange, and a bit worrying. He wasn't dead, and the person didn't seem to be hostile, really, but who was it? His employers? The photographer? Eri? Strange...
Stepping outside, Cyril would look around for anyone, though he didn't really expect to find a person there. It was just... Strange. The paper was generally left right outside his office, where anyone could access it if they entered the building. It was unlikely the person had accessed it at any other point. To that effect, he would bring a piece of newspaper with him, writing "No" on it and setting it outside his office before returning inside if he was empty-handed. It was true, after all...
...But there was no one. Cyril now had a bigger problem. Who was watching him? Fortunately, the solution was simple: a day of leisure. Cyril would simply spend the day in and around his office, watching faces and trying to read anyone he saw. Chances were, someone was hiding in plain sight, male or female. With that in mind, Cyril would keep to old business, traveling around near the office and waiting...