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What was left of the world was thrown into ruin and disrepair. It's up to the survivors to reestablish their nations or form new ones.


Postby Clint M. on Wed Sep 03, 2008 8:35 pm

Words of old now forgotten; tales of today are laced with a mood of gloom.

In previous stories told, these lands would have been immortalised by the tellings of strong stallions with brave and courageous warriors. The land green and lush, the rivers clean and cool, its forests healthy and its trees and bushes abundant enough to fill the bellies of every man, woman and child of inhabitting villages.

Those days had been chiseled in stone, but, now, the rocks are broken.
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Re: Gaijin

Postby Clint M. on Wed Sep 03, 2008 8:51 pm

Our story begins at the very center of these sunken lands, a grey-fixed valley ringed by shark-fin mountains. Its poor people homeless, hungry and without faith scattered aimlessly. Broken wood, stone and metal of collapsed castles littered their so-called home. Sticks pitched would-be tents and rotten meat of week-old hunts would hover over warm fires substituded by hungry embers. The continent was left to waste, to bathe in their own filth. It went without saying, they were in extreme need of supervision and law... Or, perhaps, the gracious blessing of a supernatural being.
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Re: Gaijin

Postby Clint M. on Wed Sep 03, 2008 9:19 pm

Jasper graced these people just by his subtle company. Silently, he walked their earth with naked feet---stepping over earth and garbage which crushed beneath his very weight. His attire was very scarce, very simple. A darkly shaded cloth of black hung around his hips---reaching inches away from kneecaps. In his right hand, he clutched a thick hilt governed by a mammoth-tusk blade which rested and pivoted over a broad shoulder. The behomoth-sized sword was carried as if a stick, light as a feather. But, in the eyes and hands of those unworthy, found weight of epic propotions. Only the mightiest of men could lift it and only Jasper could wield it. His body could only be described---No, defined as sublime. Strong hands attached to developed arms. His torso and upperbody was had been built on muscle, his stomach chiseled much like a Greek god sculpted only by the best of artists, while he stood on powerful legs. This, of course, was all balanced by a smooth face with luster-less eyes of onxy, curtained behind straws of black hair.

The very air around him was enveloped in his influence; Jasper brought an honest sense of hope and bright futures. Behind him, hundreds of people followed in his quiet and settle wake. As he wandered, more and more people left their homes in faith that he---Jasper---would put an end to their unwanted and undeserved suffering until, finally, movement would halt when the gaijin stopped walking and took notice to a ruined but still-standing castle.

"Much potential... Interesting."
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Re: Gaijin

Postby Shin on Wed Sep 03, 2008 11:05 pm

Once upon a time he was the Captain of the Emerald Knights, a personal friend and guardian of Alexander Benglesse. But this was no fairy tale, no story. His current surroundings were proof enough of that, toppled buildings and destoryed land, burned houses and a forsaken castle. People did not live this way in fairy tales, this was something straight from the depths of hell.

Ryuku wondered what had happened to the land he once knew, the place he had once protected out of duty. It was certainly no more. The people were broken, trying hard to simply survive, flourshing was all but impossible. He stuck out amongst the crown, platinum hair untainted by the dirt of the road, fine clothes untouched by the wear of time and a skin unmarked by the passing calamity. Like the stranger that passed, he was obviously not from here.

He sat now on the pieces of a broken building, on the corner bricks of what was once the foundation of somebodys house. Somebody who likely did not survive whatever it was that had brought this place to its current state. He watched this newcomer as he passed, intrigued by the number of followers he had aquired on his way to the castle, a building that had no doubt seen much better days but was better off then most of what was left standing.

Ryuku moved around much of the crowd as they all stopped behind this man, whomever he was he had drawn nearly every villager in his wake. He stood off to the side, watching silently. The people were waiting for something, a speech perhaps?

'It had better be a damn good one if he's going to motivate these people.' Ryuku thought to himself as he looked out over the crowd. He held no love for humans, but even he felt a little pitty when looking at the current state they were in.
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Re: Gaijin

Postby Clint M. on Thu Sep 04, 2008 12:13 am

Hushed whispers passed back and forth through the crowd, but the mass waited patiently. Stretched minutes would pass as the man with a heavy sword rested comfortably over his shoulder looked, first, at the ancient stronghold and then to the dead land in which it deathly slumbered over. It was these minutes or silence that, not many but a few select people, would become eager, anxious. Voices rose above the crowd, but before words could even process to form sentences Jasper's left hand, which had taken the form of a solid fist, rose level to his head. And, just as quick as his hand responded to the renegades of peace, silence would again become natural law and dominance. And like his sudden fluxuation, Jasper would turn around and ackowledge his people and bellow out to them in a clear, crisp voice in which all, even those dwelling on the mountainside miles away, would hear.

"The shadow you sacrifice yourselves to live in is like that of a plague, a disease."

Gently, softly would his lifted fist unravel. The white-fisted hand would open its palm, its fingers relaxed and curved. It was then that a powerful fluxation would occur. Like strong beams of light caught on a disco-ball, Jasper would would hold within his palm a lush-green sphere while his arm had enveloped and spilled the reoccuring color in every direction. When it touched soil, the dead weeds were ravished away and replaced with lively grass while the soil, like a rebirth, had become rich and worthy of crop.

"I shall cure it. Follow me! I shall rebuild your country. The collapsed walls of your citidel will be rebuilt, rivers will run clean water and the earth will produce until your hearts are content. The depressing weight of this land will be nevermore. Life will reclaim the land."

And with that being said, Jasper's hand would then open and tilt until drop the sphere of life with tailing energies which escaped his arm fall toward the land of dead. Before it even touched the terra, an explosion of the green light would be cast in all directions, spreading across the land before pulling down into the earth. As if in moments, it was like taking a picture off of the greyscale and giving it bright, lively colors. Dirt was splintered with grass and small, delicate budding spring flowers. Like a breath of fresh air, Jasper and every other would finally enjoy a long intake with a slow pleasurable sigh. In dry, old channels water would trikle as it gradually built a reflection of what once was. All was almost in the process of repair, save for the broken and ruined houses and great hall.

"Will you allow me to continue, as your country's rightful king?"
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Re: Gaijin

Postby Shin on Thu Sep 04, 2008 12:43 am

'He has certainly grabbed their attention.' Ryuku comented to himself, as he often did. However, he was no stranger to magic or energies that would cause many to be awestruck. A demonstration such as the one just presented to them now did just that. Not one to care if he was smashing dreams and crushing hopes Ryuku was forced to speak, if for no better reason then to place the seed of doubt back in human minds.

"Impressive." His voice, while not having the effect like that of Jaspers, was unique in it's own right. It in itself was very beautiful, deep and serene. He took a few steps forward to distinguish himself from the rest of the rabble, though because of his appearance it really wasn't needed.

"How do you plan to accomplish such a task?" His tone wasn't condescending, far from it. It was an inquisitive one, for he truly wished how one man could dare to promise such a thing? The task wasn't simply daunting, it was impossible as far as Ryuku was concerned. Short of a deitys work the land would take time, much longer then the averange human life, Ryuku was almost certain of that.

"I have seen such displays of power before, sir." As he spoke Ryuku moved tactically, to place himself between the man and the people that had been following him. "Impressive as it may be, I do not believe it alone warrants you the right to be called king"

Some of the people behind Ryuku shifted uneasily, others nodded their approval while some were simply looking for a way out of the hardships and were willing to do whatever they had to in order to get life back to the way it used to be. Ryuku, despite the movement of the crowd behind him, continued his own speech.

"What plans does one have for himself once he becomes king? Does he rule with an iron fist...? Or does he rule with a velvet glove?" Ryuku turned to face the crowd this time, addressing them.

"Do we need king? Or do we need action? What can a king currently provide that we cannot for ourselfs?" If there was a time to shut Ryuku up, it was now. He turned back around now, facing Jasper. He waited calmly for an answer, he had placed the man on a fulcrum. If he faltered he would fall off and be brushed aside by the towns folk... if he rose to the occasion..then it was a start on road to perhaps become king, perhaps more?
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Re: Gaijin

Postby marvel. on Thu Sep 04, 2008 7:58 pm

During the transition from darkness into the light, even a blind man finds himself shielding himself from the sun.

Everyone seemed to be here, from far and wide, all awe-struck in the presence of change: in the man standing at the foot of the incomplete castle. He spoke of words that screamed his power and purpose, but most of all his abilities screamed at levels his voice could not reach. He boasted of change, of life, of bettering both the destruction in that land as well as their hearts. Some in the crowd wondered if he could deliver, some were ready to follow this outsider to the ends of the earth, and some were still unsure of whether to follow or rebel.

Much to this outsider's intent the many eyes of the townspeople were still fixated on him; some eager, some anxious, some irritated, but all waiting. Then a man with silvery hair stepped forward, and began embodying the thoughts of the people he represented, and Aeschylus noticed he represented them well. There was no purpose in him speaking out, too, not yet, and so Aeschylus remained quiet, watching, waiting, brooding.

The breadth of change was like light, sweet aromas to their nostrils, but with change came adoption of new methods. Remember the old dogs.
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Re: Gaijin

Postby Clint M. on Thu Sep 04, 2008 8:40 pm

Like a blessing from the gods themselves, Jasper offered Ryuku a potential smile. As Jasper waited for the pause to end the man's speech, behind and all around him the terrestrial would evolve. At their feet, and in the distant horizon, a lawn of green sprouted. Burnt, dead and dying trees creaked as their limbs and trunks were reborn and regenerated, bushing with leaves and fruit, while the bushes swelled with ripe berries. Above them, the haze of clouds broke and parted to let the forgotten sun shine down over like a sea of warmth washing over the deathly cold.

And, like on que, Jasper would direct his almost-full attention to Ryuku, shifting his eyes back and forth from the representitive and the faces of those behind him.

"If you could have repaired what is now a wasteland, why have you not done so? I came here not as a missionary but on my own free will. These people, as do you, have my pity and I wish to aid in a swift reconstruction and rebirth."

Finally moving his right hand forward, his sword would cut the air evenly before its tip found refuge in a sheath of earth, creating a crevice for itself to station in beside Jasper's feet. He left his sword, pacing forward in a smooth manner until he passed Ryuku, facing not their speaker but those he spoke for.

"This, of course, does not come without debt. My demand is simple, while the rewards are great."
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Re: Gaijin

Postby Shin on Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:02 pm

The Obsidic One, a title that was long since lost, brought a gloved hand to stroke his hairless chin, arching an eyebrow as Jasper spoke. Ryuku had many thoughts on what was going on here, but he thought best to keep them to himself while in the presence of humans. Carefully he listened, and watched as the mans magic seemed to effect not only the ground but the very sky as sunlight began to stream through the clouds and lighting the land.

This was no doubt a form of magic the man was wielding, and while he seemed exceptionally skilled in it's usage it did raise an alarm in Ryuku's mind. The consequince of such an action. The ground was dead, or at least it had been mere moments ago. Things were supposed to take time, the natural order of things always took their time it seemed.

And here, so soon after being destroyed this man was replenishing the earth. Ryuku was no druid, nor was he an expert at such natural things but he had been around long enough to know when and when not to question a mans methods, and when magic was involved it only alarmed him more.

Still, Ryuku could not be quiet.

"You give what we did not ask for, and demand what we can not give." Ryuku did an about face, turning to face this hero. "Actions make Kings, not debts. Your action here not withstanding, you still have yet to tell us why you should be king? If magic were the simple cure to fix all that has happened do you not think Wizards and Druids would be all about the land, casting their spells?" Though his words may have seemed harsh they lacked any real tone or emotion behind him. Ryuku was speaking purely from a logical standpoint, while the townsfolk may have been thinking with their hearts and emotions Ryuku was using his mind, and something jus didn't add up.
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Re: Gaijin

Postby marvel. on Thu Sep 04, 2008 10:39 pm

When pushed to the brink, will even a weak man bestow strength beyond his days?

It seemed the two men continued to do away with the other; albeit in subtle mannerisms befitting two royal giants, but Aeschylus couldn't help but shake something. Why did this other man, whom had yet to state a moniker or title, wish to bereft himself and burden the weight that a Kingship bears? The other, the silvery-haired man, seemed to be on the people's best interest— even if they, themselves, had no idea of what their best interests were. The Lugarian grinned, unable to help himself beneath the guise of his cloak and hood, amidst the crowd some ten or twenty people back.

The perfect place for one such as himself who desired to remain nothing aside from inconspicuous. Aeschylus shifted in his weight, his arms crossing beneath the fabric of his cloak, and suddenly a man adjacent to himself spoke up— seemingly with the courage of Jayne, the Goddess of Courage and Inner Strength. He was an older male, with receding, bright red hair, and facial hair that solidified his age.

“Yeah,” he began, following suit after what the silver-haired man had just finished saying. “We common townspeople have attempted to restore our village's image since we lost it. What can you promise us that our former King promised— only to leave us during the destruction? How do we know you won't leave us like him?”

Suddenly more and more commonpeople began speaking up, a few sporadic agreeing, others spitting claims that the King had promised them and did not deliver. These were tired people, starved of nourishment and love, something that they had not received during their former King's reign. Aeschylus smirked beneath his hood, and continued to observe the situation, still brooding, still biding his time.

A foolish man strikes a powerful opposition under the waning sun.
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Re: Gaijin

Postby Clint M. on Thu Sep 04, 2008 11:41 pm

The abyssal pools embedded in the sockets of Jasper's face would finally luster, taking on that common reflective shine any other common man had in their eyes. His chin lifted, black hair sifting backward out of his face so he may properly address the people why leaving Ryuku standing there with nothing but the back of Jasper's head and strong, absolute backside.

"I know not of any of your previous kings, nor of any of their promises. I am not here to claim that I will do what he didn't or could not. I am a new man, with new promises. The leader in which you placed in position was, appearantly, unfit for the task of running a country or even a castle on the barrow."

On his bare heel, he pivoted over the fresh grass where, just minutes ago, would have been cracked earth to find he known as Ryuku.

"You are all unaware of my qualifications, or even who I am. By the telling of honest truths, I don't know who you are. I found this land in ruin, coming from a journey without destination. I am here to claim that I am fit for the title of king. Here I stand, claiming I am able to repair the wasteland---Will you not give me the chance to prove my word?"

Gradually, Jasper's neck bent as it began to cock to the side, just by some degree as he seeked the pupils of Ryuku's eyes.

"What do you really have to lose here? You only have chance to prosper from my efforts."

With that said, a single eyebrow hoisted above the others and then dropped in the same suddeness. Jasper began to pace back toward his stationed sword, his hands pulling behind his back where palms would fold evenly into eachother. Stopping a few feet from his blade, he's spin around once more to speak to not just one or the other, but to the mass as a whole.

"Alas, what this man said is true. By my death or by the wave of my hand, all of this could be removed. Magic can be a standard to repair, but in a degree such as breathing life into an entire country---that would take more than just myself. Think of what you see, what you feel, what you smell as a crutch, held up by magic."

Without need, he nodded to the people, letting them process as he knew the world today was scarce in the knowldge of such dwellings. Wizards and druids were rare, hiding away in their own paradises, but indeed somewhere scattered in the world.

"What I've layed here today is not set in stone. That is why we need to take our rightful places to care for our lands and build strong, sturdy homes. In time, the magic will fade away and what work has been put into your lives will remain."

Pulling his right hand from behind him, the hand rose as a form of gesture as he regarded everyone infront of him---now letting the people decide what to do with Jasper.

"I am helping you rebuild your country, your land, your homes and your lives. What I ask, in return, is to sit as king in the glorious nation I know is to come."
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Re: Gaijin

Postby Shin on Fri Sep 05, 2008 12:16 am

He would not find a pupil when he looked, Ryukus eyes were odd. At such a close range it could easily be seen that Ryukus eyes were hidden behind a thin screen of vapor that seemed to flicker like a flame at the eyes edges. Making it near impossible to tell where Ryuku was looking, it begged the question, were there even eyes behind the screen of thin vapors?

'A fine speech.' Prone to speaking to himself as he was Ryuku showed his agreement to some of what the man was saying with a nod. Still, he wouldn't back away so easily. Whoever this man was he could certainly give a speech, a good quality to have since he was attempting to become a king. Ryuku personally did not believe A King was needed right now, someone to lead yes, a King no. Regardless of the title the man appeared to have the best intentions in mind.

But why? Simply for the chance to rule over a small near destroyed kingdom? A man who was obviously powerful, what did such a man have to gain from this? He was right when he said that the people had nothing left to loose though. If for even a little bit this soon to be king could help leviate some of the pressures on the people then he could call himself whatever he wanted a King or a God, it mattered little to Ryuku.

These humans mattered little to Ryuku for that much, Ryuku was simply looking for something worth his skills. A challenge he deemed fit for himself. Perhaps helping to to birth a glorious kingdom from this rabble and rubble would prove such a challenge?

"Then I suggest you grab a hoe and get to work with the rest of the farmers." Ryuku reached behind him, snatching the digging tool from a man who was transfixed by the events going on, and lightly tossed it to Jasper. "Unless you plan to do everything with the wave of a hand?" Ryuku turned to walk away, back towards the crowd.

He stopped after a few steps. "Does our King have a name?"

He would wait for an answer, then walk back towards where he was sitting before, leaving the man with his people.
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Re: Gaijin

Postby marvel. on Fri Sep 05, 2008 8:55 pm

Give a man a fish and he will be full for a day, teach a man to fish he will never go hungry again.

Quickly, almost immediately after the crowd began to spring to life, the man with the plan lifted a hand and began to stir the mob to stillness. He had a way with people, and a way with words, it seemed. A man for the theatrics, and hat tricks, Aeschylus observed. The Lugarian smiled coyly beneath his hood, waiting, watching, listening. The man who wanted to be King began to say what he felt would secure his position as King, but Aeschylus had wonder why he wanted such a title, and why he'd accept nothing less.

It made you wonder, why some men thrived to achieve particular roles, do particular things, and say particular words.

Then, and much like the Lugarian had hoped, the silver-haired man retaliated, once again assuming the role as the people's voice, and challenging the man who wanted to be King. The silver-haired man had a point in his words, and each time the brown-haired man in the hood heard his words, he knew this was going to be fun. Then, just when Aeschylus would speak up the silver-haired man asked a most absolute question: what was this stranger's name?
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Re: Gaijin

Postby luciandevine on Sat Sep 06, 2008 9:08 pm

Lucian Devine let out a small sigh of hopelessness as he stared out at the sun blasted plains. He, like many people remembered what it had been like when this plain, and many like it, had been lush with green grass, flowering plants, and green foliage as far as the eye could see. Now however, it was just a gray wasteland. He had been wandering all over the place. His home, like many, had been destroyed during the great disaster, and with it, the only family he had ever known. Lucian was like many knights who survived when their castle and kingdom was destroyed, in that he was left wandering alone. That was however, a life he had long since gotten used to, so he didn't mind it so much now.

As Lucian looked out over the blasted surface, he was relieved to see a small town. He instantly started walking towards it. Lucian stopped however, when he noticed something incredibly strange. A wave of green seemed erupted from the town, sweeping quickly in all directions. Lucian wasn't entirely sure what to do. The sheer speed at which it was moving told him that he would not be able to outrun it, and being as he wasn't sure what it was, he was left at a complete loss.

When the see of green reached him, his confusion grew as he stared down at the grass that was sprouting right beneath his feet. All around him, the blasted land was rejuvenating. He lifted his gaze once more, his deep blue eyes falling on the town once more. He had seen similar magic before, and he was curious as to who or what had caused such a drastic change.

With new resolve, Lucian headed towards the town again, moving quicker now, his spirits temporarily lifted.
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Re: Gaijin

Postby Clint M. on Mon Sep 08, 2008 6:36 pm

Gradually, Jasper's eyes moved to find Ryuku playing the crowd once again. It was fine, like the man, Jasper too was looking for a challenge. The reconstruction of a nation, he knew would satisfy his lust.

Still in the air, his empty right hand would catch the thrown tool. Primitive, but the point was made. Jasper was to dirty his hands if he was to earn their trust. Fair enough. With his right hand filled with the hoe's shaft, he knocked the end of the stick against the earth while the rough metal stood tall beside him. He looked away from Ryuku, addressing the mass once more with crisp, sound vocals and a synced nod.

"My name is Jasper Epek. Please, trust and believe in me to brighten your futures because I know I won't let you down."

Offering his people an assuring smile, he turned and approached his idle sword while he spoke, regarding Ryuku.

"No, I won't point fingers and sit back, there is much work to be done. But, a few things can be done here and now---with a wave of hand."

Starting to walk past his sword now, he reached out and stationed the tool against his stable, beastly sword then stopped some five yards away. His eyes looked over the healthy terrestial littered with debree and ruined homes. For a moment he stood quiet but soon after a deep, loud pulsation like the kick from a drum-bass had originated from the overseer and shook the earth. It was seconds later when something else finally occured. From behind Jasper, although everyone and everything behind him went uneffected, a strong wind and gust blew and swept across the land before him.

The scattered litter, broken peices of rock, wood, metal, tents, fires and smoke was lifted from the scene---leaving nothing but the broken-but-still-standing castle and houses. Hovering above, the debree and garbage was sorted into respective piles of their given resources and then set down in stacked piles in the middle of it all. Although some were broken---like peices of wood and rock---they were put together with the still-good. For now, anything could be used. Repairs were to be made, no room to be picky for perfection. Upgrades and modifications could be made when the time was avaliable.

With a now clean land and an amount of resources avaliable, he turned back to his people and moved to stand beside sword and tool.

"Let us begin."

He smiled, again, as he thought while his hand moved to take the hoe. He searched the crowd and the boulder for Ryuku. If he could not find him, he would speak directly to them instead.

"Although, I am no farmer. Will you allow me to aid in the rebuilding and construction instead?"
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