"I don't know if I can survive. That's the problem," Mairse remarked nonchalantly, "You're the only person here with a drive to kill me. So--we reach our little impasse."
Mairse had already mentioned before that he had lived on Utopia--that was when he referred to himself as "Mairse." There was much more to it than that, though. In his time here, he had witnessed much--more than enough to justify what he was doing . . .
"I have lived here," Mairse began, and as he continued to speak, his voice became louder and louder--more dramatic with each statement--angrier, even, "I watched police take bribes to look away from a lecherous old man, kidnapping and having his way with little girls, I watched armies sweep across lands, burning and killing everything in their path--elderly, men, women, and children. I watched "good" men turn into monsters because of something as minor as a financial meltdown. I've seen mothers put their newborn babies in the trash to get back at their husbands. I've seen a ruler dump carbon dioxide in a city full of innocent people just to rid himself of a few rioters. I even saw an angel force hundreds of other angels to suffer and murder each other just by means of getting back at his father. I saw a man allow millions to die, just to act upon a grudge. I've seen almost an entire race eradicated by the protectors of eternal souls--just for existing! And I've watched a coward--a certain Constantine Shariph--, knowing his fate, leave everyone important in his life presumably die in his place."
The end statement may as well have accompanied a spiteful, angry, hateful growl. Some of them were even stabs at Cyril--but rightly so. Mairse was naming injustices that he had witnessed in the world--or, rather, multiple worlds. He had named some issues with Oblivion, Utopia, the Heavens, and possibly even the Underworld. They were all off of the top of his head, though; just thought up on a whim, recalled in a flurry of hateful thoughts. Nonetheless, Cyril had enacted some of the worst sins he'd ever seen. Through some of his actions, he could even be considered a poster-child of everything that made this world terrible.
It was because of people like Cyril, of people like Edii--of Sturm, Gardini, Shiva, the god of Death . . . not because they had the potential, but the ability to darken the lives of so many . . .
"I've watched and I've learned--"
Finally, Mairse began to move. He couldn't move too quickly for any distance, but dashing in any direction for a couple of feet was optional. The distance was cleared quickly, in all but one dash, with Mairse holding the lead pipe out by his side, parallel to the ground, pointing straight at Cyril. He'd rush without thought, charging Cyril down, attempting to finally break the lead pipe into Cyril's stomach--to try and stab him with it, and break it off inside of him, however deep he could go. All the while shouting his conclusion:
"--that this world is not worth saving!"
Last edited by Nayt on Tue Sep 23, 2008 12:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.