by Paroxysm on Fri Aug 07, 2009 10:51 pm
Still rummaging through medicine, Johnny declined Lucy’s offer of help, quickly looking at labels, throwing them to the side, and moving onto the next one. This would, however; come to an end as the doctor came into the room, nobody interrupted him as he spoke, diagnosing everyone as he looked them over and for the most part, he seemed to have everything down.
“Y’all would not believe us,” Johnny replied to the doctor’s question, shaking his head in the process. “Well … I guess you should know, huh? This thing just showed up when the power went out, don’t know why, don’t know how, don’t care, either, but … Darn thing showed up and took girlie, oh’n this here is Natalie,” Johnny gestured to the wounded girl, “Like I was saying, the thing took the girl and dem robots started freaking out and shining it with lights, the monster freaked out, too, at this point, and started attacking us. It was smart, too, don’t know if Mark noticed, but it was holding the girl hostage--I got her down, though. Fell and hit her head in the process and Mark killed the thing,” shrugging, Johnny looked to the others in the room, giving each a moment’s glance before returning to the doctor. “It, uh, disintegrated after we killed it. Skin’s still there, I think, but … That’s all.”
It was all very hard to believe, the accented man thought, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t the truth. Something had obviously injured them, so that much was true, and the Doctor need only go to the other Medical Bay to confirm the incident.
“Naw, don’t think we’re in any danger, not right now, at least. Lights bothered the shit outta the thing, after all. If another was here, we’d hear it, I think, or the robots. And … Yeah, Markus, the fella who took down the thing got hurt pretty bad, I think, but Lucy,” Johnny gestured to the woman, “fixed ‘em up, you should probably still take a look at him, though.”
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