There was that moment, where Olivia's mind was summing up everything she knew about motocross. Damned little. Yet, like the good girl she was when she wanted to be, she listened and held on tight as the bike suddenly took off. Her fingertips clung to the rubber grips of the handlebar as she gritted her teeth against the jar.
"Working on it!" Lu Lu would say cheefully, either blissfully ignorant, naive, or bat-shit-insane. Sometimes it was hard to tell with that AI. Olivia, on the other hand was getting a crash course feel for the bike, Jodie wasn't looking too swift. Olivia was unaware how much Jodie was bleeding, but she had a feeling it was worsening as the bike began to veer and swerve a little.
"Try and keep calm." Olivia would say above the whine of the engine as she leaned forward, over Jodie and center her balance over the bike like she had seen on T.V. Weather or not it helped, she was only doing as she'd seen. "Lucretia, status report."
"Almost within range, the doors' sensors are online, as are the vent systems and everything running under emergency power. Batteries are charging." Lu lu would scream over the PDA's little speaker. Funny how it sounded like Jodie was screaming out her ass, too bad Olivia never thought about it.