Algeroth, New Eden
ArosGirl woke up, once more, in the tunnels of New Eden's mountains. Judging by the temperature, she assumed she was somewhere in the upper levels. She tried not to look down at her front, which she felt was covered in dried blood as was often the case. She shook her head and held back tears with great effort. She chose not to think about what it was that might have become of Ko, and she could only hope it was not his blood she was covered in, as she had no visible wounds on her person. Why did the thing always hunt her down, and then kill things around her instead of just finishing her off? What sick and twisted creature took so much pleasure in the hunting and torment of another soul?
Girl pulled herself to her feet, and pulled her skimpy clothing close to her body. All she had in the world at the moment was a cloak, a hatchet, a pair of shorts, and the worn boots on her feet. And they were each defiled once more. She turned and held up her hand, and felt the cold embrace one side while a warm breeze wafted weakly from the opposite direction, and she began walking. She would find the connector tunnel to the lower levels, and make her way to the hot springs deep in the mountain to clean up and maybe grab an easy meal from the strange creatures that made the hot caves their habitat. She'd memorized various tunnels around New Eden and noted what several of them had in common. They were always numerous, and seemingly random, but they almost always had the same scheme, as if manmade. There were always levels of them, sprouting from connecting tunnels that served as the gaps between the levels, up and down.
She came across one such connector now, and slid down the slight embankment to her next leg of travel. This particular mountain did not seem to be all that familiar, and she could only guess where she was. Many of them connected to villages on the surface, and she had even discovered strange machines down in the lower levels, miles apart, but the leads and cables that poured out of them bored directly into the rock, and it was impossible to tell where they went. Nearly an hour later, she came across something she had yet to see before. The tunnel opened up into a large open cave, with no way to get down besides fall. It created a chasm between her and the rest of her intended path. She could just barely see the rest of her tunnel across the empty blackness, and she sighed as she looked around for how to get across.
There would be only one possible way, and her head swam as she glanced over the edge before backing away from it, and lowering herself onto her haunches, coiling to spring. With two or three bounding steps she closed the distance to the edge and threw herself across the darkness, surprising even herself at how much distance she managed to clear. She began to panic, however, as she saw her target come up short, and she withdrew and planted her hatchet hastily into the ledge that she had come just short of being able to reach with her hands. This wouldn't be the first time the thing had saved her life, and after pulling herself up, she assessed the precious tool for nicks before praising it mentally and putting it back away. There was but one more short trek and a slide before she found herself at another ledge, and an even stranger room. It was one of the caves, with the springs as she had seen several times before, but it was clearly inhabited, at some point.
The ledge was directly over a large pool of warm water, several feet below, and across the cave there was furniture, shelves, food, supplies, and two small archways leading out of the place, just above the level of the water. She took her time cleaning herself and her clothes, and captured some odd-looking shellfish from the bottom of the pleasingly-warm water. The cave itself seemed to be alive, ivy grew up the sides of it, which blossomed in places into softly-glowing flower buds which emitted just enough light to let a normal person see. As Girl pulled herself out of the water, she felt as though she passed through a barrier of some sort, and indeed, the water droplets on her slender naked frame pulled themselves away from her and dropped back into the water, leaving her dry.
She gasped at the shock of the feeling, like tiny bugs skittering across her skin. It was not unpleasant, but certainly not something she would have an easy time growing accustomed to. She dropped her catch near what appeared to be a fire pit, and examined the contents of the room. There were many books, weapons, and even containers of food and water, some still full. There were a few medical supplies and she even poked around one of the rooms past one of the two archways and found a bed and some coin. On the bed, was a note:
To whomever may seek refuge here,
This was once the sanctuary of a man named Alistair Baptiste. His existence and activities were a closely-guarded secret, which I will not spoil. He was my brother, and he was a man who served his country well. He was a good man, adept at protecting others, figuratively and literally. He left this place to me as I leave it to you, a refuge for any stranger who might come across this place. I ask that if you in turn abandon it, that you leave with only what you need to get where you are going, and not to loot what you do not require, aside from the books, of course, we have no need of them now.
I have come to this place, and prepared to leave and stop a very evil man whom I suggest you avoid. I will lose my life, of this I am certain. But I will do as much damage as possible before I go to meet my brother. Be well, traveler, and if you should choose to stay in this place you have leave to do so. I would only ask that you remember my brother, who made it possible. Also, please go sparingly on the bounty beneath the water, as it is 'their' only food. I actually do not know what to call them, perhaps someone will come along and name them. Also, do not harm them, for they do not not have ill intentions for you, they are just curious.
--Kai Mao BaptisteGirl stared at the letter, blinking briefly.
" What an odd and slightly insane story... "At the sound of her voice, several sleek forms rushed out from under several pieces of the well-made furniture in the larger part of the cave and bounded up to her, sitting on the bed in the smaller pocket room. At first, she withdrew from the rodents, jumping up onto the bed and backing against the headboard, hands before her defensively. The otter-like creatures took no notice of her pose or her fright and leaped upon her, clinging to her arms and legs, and circling her neck. She held back a shriek as she remembered the note.
" Are...are you Kai's friends? " The creatures held a sly, curious expression as they seemed to contemplate the question, and then detached from her, the two of them slinking to the end of the bed. They appeared...almost depressed, as if they knew what had become of their protector. Girl instantly felt horrid about herself, the tattooed '
ABOMINATION' across her upper back burned as she leaned down. She sat on the amazingly comfortable bed and reached out to the creatures.
" Sorry. I just...I guess I haven't seen anything like you before. I didn't mean to be cruel. " The creatures seemed to forgive her and curled around her knees, lying with her as though she had been their master for centuries. She smiled, and stroked them, as she remembered another thing that had been asked of her.
" You guys don't have names, either, I see. Well, I promise I'll think on it if you'll accept my apology. I fished up some of those shellfish you eat, if you want them they're out by the pit. "The things skittered out of the room, and almost instantly she could hear them batting around the almost-metallic shells of the fireclams. She had not been able to pry them open when she had tried, and she would be surprised if the...whatever they were could do so, either. Girl yawned as she laid back on the luxurious bed. She had never once slept in a bed, and this was an exceptional one from what she had seen in villages and their homes and taverns. She couldn't remember how long she'd been unconscious this time, but she never was able to sleep more than an hour or so at a time, and she didn't know the last time she had felt rested. Her eyes shuddered, began to fall as she spotted the form of a small humanoid out of the corner of her eye. It almost resembled her, except it wasn't naked and lying down, but in her tiredness she hardly knew or cared of the difference.
" You should call them Kai, and Mao. " Aros looked at the note now haphazardly thrown on the ground, her face expressionless. Girl bolted upright and threw the only thing she could reach, a plush pillow at the newcomer, which exploded into tiny feathery bits as it collided with the black-robed Gartel. She shrieked as she pulled the covers up over her exposed form, and realized that all the time she had clutched safety in her hatchet, she had let her guard down the one time it mattered. It was a stupid mistake, this place would have seemed so obviously a trap if she was well-rested and full of food.
" Relax, relax. I'm not here to start a fight...a pillowfight at that. " Aros spit out a mouthful of feathers and faked her most innocent smile.
" I'm just here to talk, I'll go if you want. " Aros really did bear a striking resemblance to Girl, and she could not help being intrigued, frightened as she was.
" Who...are you? How is it that you can be so familiar of face to me? "" That is a long, tragic, and somewhat boring story. But, listen. I know something about you. Something important. I have seen your fate, and you are going to die. "" What is that, some sort of threat? I'm not as helpless as I look, you know. You said you wanted to talk, so talk! Who. Are. You? "" We really are wasting time, but fine. My name is Aros, and yes, I know all about you. You are a very hurt and very frightened little girl. And you are in danger. Your current course sets you to meet a man. You mustn't go. Just stay here, or something, seems like a nice setup. At least for a while. "" Maybe I was going to, but I can't stay here forever. The food here won't hold out more than a few weeks. And my name is..." Girl looked away, on the verge of tears again.
" I am Girl. But they, they call me Ab-- "" Don't give me that. Stop hurting yourself by holding on to that. It's on your back, you can't see it, consider it behind you. I know your name, and so do you. If I could speak it, I would; Instead.." Aros picked up the note left by Kai and pointed at it, before tossing it at Girl.
" Look, just because you look like me, and know a lot about me doesn't mean you know everything. Some call me Girl, but I was named by my true family, and that's what they chose. Why am I even discussing this with you, just what do you want? "" I can't stay, but promise me. If you stay here go South. Stay away from Sieg, and the company he keeps. " Aros smiled, it almost felt genuine and she approached the young girl, who did not flinch away from here, and embraced her, hugging her tight to herself.
" Goodbye, Ali-- "Girl hugged tightly back, she could not explain it, but she felt a closeness to the girl when she touched her. And then she disappeared, seemingly into thin air. Girl suddenly felt a great hollowness in her chest, and gasped as a wave of sadness rushed over her, nearly crushing every bit of residual hope left in her, before the feeling was gone again. She braced herself, knowing somehow not to question what she had seen, and pulled the note closer to her. The man's name had been changed, altered just slightly in the note. It read:
Alistair.She tilted her head nad mouthed the portion.
" Alis...Alice. I, I kind of like that. " Little would she know what her mother had really intended for her name to be, how could she have? But then, Aros did. Alice jumped from the bed, running to grab and pull on her split riding cloak and find her little friends.
" Kai, and Mao. Your names will be Kai and Mao, and I declare that your species will be called Baptiste Otters. " Alice smiled as her little friends ran up to her, agreement visible in their clever little faces.